After a long time of shooting with Point & Shoot, I finally decided to move to SLR to have more control over photos i capture… After a lot of research I finally ended up with Nikon D40 (with 18-55mm lens) as my first dSLR 🙂

Also bought SB-400 external flash, a tripod, UV Filter and carrying case with it 🙂
Hello Zahid,
Can u tell how much you pay in total for D40, speedlight, tripod and filter. I also live in Karachi and for quiet a long time thinking of switching from P&S to dSLR. The Nikon dealer in Karachi is charging way too much for D40 although if I order it from US it would cost me $570 with shipping i.e around Rs. 34,770.
Can u also share your experience with your first dSLR.